Friday, August 19, 2011

Parent Pick-Up is Changing!

For the 2011-12 school year, the parent pick-up at Moore Elementary will be changing from years past.  Please take a moment to review the changes below.

- Parent Pick-up will be called at 3:15pm (moving back from 3:07pm). 
- Parents will be asked to remain outside until students are called to the APR, at which time they will need to report to the APR to sign-out their student.
- Sign-out will occur at grade-specific tables, in the presence of a faculty member.  Parents may be asked to present photo ID during sign-out, and no student will be permitted to leave the building with an unauthorized parent or guardian.
- Dismissal from the APR will continue to be through the rear doors.  No dismissal should take place through the front lobby area due to bus dismissal (which will occur at approximately 3:20pm).

These changes will be presented in a letter that will be sent home the first day of school with students, along with additional information.  Please know that these changes are due to a need to increase instructional time in the classroom, as well as safety and security for our students.

Thank you!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where Has the Summer Gone?

I'm sure that many of you are wondering "Where has the summer gone?"  As we settle into the month of August, school starts in 15 days! seems like just yesterday that we were waving to the students as they pulled away in the buses the last day of school!  Many of us have spent the summer going to camps, the beach, amusement parks, vacations spots, or simply in our yards and houses, trying to fit in as much as we can before we have to go back to school.  I hope that everyone enjoyed their summer, I know I did!

Moore Elementary School will look the same as it did when the students left us, only much cleaner thanks to the hard work of our custodial staff over the summer.  A special thanks to Mr. Loch, Ms. Braren, Mr. Eberly, Mr. George, and Mr. Measchoch for all of their efforts to make our school the best that it can be! 

The school will, however, "feel" different for all of the students!  We welcome some new teachers to our building - Mrs. Figueroa and Mrs. Schooler to 6th Grade...and Ms. Foster (for Ms. Miller), Ms. Biechy (for Ms. Schaffer) and Ms. Quigley (for Ms. Maxwell) who will be serving as long-term substitutes in the Fall.  We will also be starting our School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program called "Moore Pride".  We will spend a lot of time at the beginning of the school year to "teach" the students about the program and the rules that go along with Moore Pride.  We are excited about the program, and hope that all of our students become excited as well!

So...begin your Back to School shopping, and make your final vacation plans for the final 15 days of vacation, and I will see you on September 1st!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Important Dates

The New Student and Kindergarten Orientations will be held on Monday, August 22nd in the APR. The new student orientation will be held from 10-12, and the kindergarten orientation will be held from 1-3.

First day of school for students is September 1st...and we are excited to see everyone back in the building!


Welcome to "Moore Good News", information for the parents, students, teachers and community of Moore Elementary School (Northampton Area School District, PA). Please check back as often as you'd like for updates!