Parents who missed the September 12th Moore PTA meeting, please review the minutes of the meeting and contact a member of the PTA Board if you have any questions or would like to sign-up to volunteer for one of the dates listed.
Also, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Joseph Kovalchik, will be a guest speaker at the October 3rd meeting. The meeting will be held in the Moore Library at 7:00pm.
General Membership Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2011
Moore Elementary School Library
Officers in Attendance: Dianna Schoenen – chair/president
Rhonda Tucker – vice president
Beverly Jenkins -secretary
Heather Davidson – treasurer
Agenda Topics
n The chair opens the meeting at 7 hrs.00 min. pm
n Introductions, Chair
n Fundraisers, Chair
1. A cookie dough fundraiser was explained by a representative of the company.
2. PTA is looking into a few fundraisers. Buyout options available as well.
3. PTA buyout walk next year in which students may be able to dress up as their favorite book character.
4. Looking into basket bingo and vendor fair fundraisers as well.
5. Shop with Script fundraiser will begin November 7th.
n Principal's Report, Mr. Dimmick
1. Thank you to all volunteers during the first week of school.
2. Art fundraiser for breast cancer Friday, September 23rd.
a) Received donations from Home Depot. Mrs. Meade is heading the event. b) Need volunteers for Saturday, September 24th to coat the paintings.
c) Auctioning off the artwork on October 7th.
3. Could use parent volunteers during school for Friday, September 30th's pie throwing event.
4. October 18/19th parent visitation. Need volunteers.
5. Thanks to PTA for funding box-out bullying program.
6. The positive behavior program is going great to start the year.
7. Moore Elementary is now on Facebook and a blog. If chairs or others want something posted on a site, e-mail Mr. Dimmick.
n Voting, Chair
1. Rhonda Tucker voted in as 2011-2012 Vice President.
2. Received required votes from teacher rep., principal, committee chair.
n Committee Chairs
In-School Programs, Rachel Karc
1. Teachers are able to choose an in-school program for each grade, sponsored by the PTA.
2. The following programs are being considered: L.V. Zoo, DaVinci Center,
Hawk Mountain, N'ton Comm. College, Chick Hatching, Arts Quest & more.
Staff Appreciation, Megan Coccetti
1. Snacks provided to the teachers for the first day of school.
Cafeteria Volunteer Leader
1. New leader is Deb Hurstein.
Pumpkin Painting with Pop, Melissa Hartney
Health & Wellness
1. Looking for a chair or someone to help organize a Wellness night in January.
Reflections, Beverly Jenkins
1. Home projects are accepted, and projects are also being worked on in art class
this year.
2. Last Day for entries: October 7th. Awards Program: November 10th.
Holiday Party, Rachel Karc/Lynne Auger
1. Party possibly December 3rd.
2. Considering Secret Shop for kids to buy presents for parents.
6th Grade Committee
1. Car Wash/Bake Sale at Klecknersville September 24th, rain date September 25th.
2. October 22nd, Appleby's Fundraiser.
3. Hoagie sale in March
n PTA General Information, Chair
1. If you want information posted on any of the PTA sites, e-mail or
2. Movie Night: November 11th, Cars II. Popcorn & Water will be served.
3. PTA purchased HW planners and classroom publications.
4. Volunteers Needed:
a) September 20th for picture day
b) Wednesday 21st for KidStuff Book fundraiser
5. Become a PTA member, need membership in order to vote.
6. Voting in November to change by-laws and for a second Vice President.
7. Act 51/34 child abuse and criminal clearances
a) District will reimburse up to $40 for clearances, not TB test.
n The chair adjourns meeting at 8hrs. 20min pm.
Next Mtg: Monday, October 3rd, 7pm in the Moore Library
web site:
facebook: Moore Elementary PTA
Moore Elementary
web site:
facebook: Moore Elementary School (NASD)