Thursday, January 10, 2013



Moore Elementary School's 6th Grade Class will be holding it's annual "Spaghetti Dinner and Basket Raffle" on Saturday, February 23rd from 4:00-7:30pm (snow date of Feb. 2/24) at the Klecknersville Rangers Fire Hall.

Moore parents and members of the 6th Grade Events Committee will be doing the cooking, and the 6th Grade students will be doing the serving...and it's ok, you can trust them all...they do a fantastic job :)  All proceeds from the event will be used by the 6th Grade for their class trip.

The 6th Grade Events Committee will be accepting donations for the basket raffle from now until close to the event. If you're interested in making a donation of items for a basket or a basket itself...or if you're interested in joining the Spaghetti Dinner planning committee...please contact Deb Gantz or Kim Hartzell.

Thank you, and we hope to have an overwhelming turn-out for this wonderful event!