Friday, May 17, 2013

Lunch Account Balances

As the school year comes to a close, please be sure to settle any negative balances that your student(s) may have before the end of the year.  Lunches will not be served during the half-days, June 4-10.  You can either settle the negative balances online (through your account) or by sending money to school.  As of May 17th, we have 77 students with negative balances, totaling over $380 outstanding.  Throughout the year Negative Balance slips have been given to your student(s) when their accounts dropped below $0.00, and a letter will be sent home on or about June 4 to those students who still have a negative balance.  Please note that it is your responsibility to settle any debts.  At no time were students denied a lunch if their balance was in the negative, however their lunch "choices" (items) were limited.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.