Friday, January 27, 2012

Delayed Lunches 1-27-2012

Parents and Guardians of Moore Elementary Students,


This letter is to inform you that Moore Elementary School had to delay the serving of lunch to students and staff today, due to a water back-up in the drainage system within the kitchen area.  The back-up caused some minor flooding to the kitchen and serving area. In order to eliminate the possibility of contamination of food and to obtain a healthy environment for the students to eat, a decision was made by Aramark and the Administration to delay the serving of lunches.


Once the issue was resolved, all students were provided an opportunity to eat lunch.  Lunches were delayed approximately 1-hour, but all students were given their normal amount of time within the cafeteria to eat.  Students with documented medical concerns were identified early in the process and were provided an opportunity to eat at their normally scheduled time.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at your convenience.


Thank you,

Mr. Dimmick
