Monday, January 23, 2012

Moore's Annual Talent Show

The Moore Elementary Talent Show…

·    Permission slips will be handed out on February 10th.

·    Auditions will be held on Monday March 5th- 3:30-4:30.

·    Rehearsals will be held on Monday March 12,19th- 3:30-4:15.

·    Dress Rehearsal will be held on Thursday March 29th-3:30-5:15.

·    Talent show will be held on Friday March 30th- 6:30pm

- 5th and 6th grade only.
- Solo or group. No more then 4 in a group.

- Must be prepared to perform on audition day, with all materials needed to perform.

- 5 Stage crew- First 5 to have permission slips signed- first come, first serve.

- Appropriate lyrics and dance moves.

- Once you sign up and audition you will be expected to participate in all rehearsals and talent show

*Moore Elem Contact- Mrs. Valimont, Mrs. Hagemen, Mrs. Cramer